Student Information You Should Receive from the Academic Program Prior to Each Individual Clinical Experience
Confirmation letter from school including:
Dates of the clinical experience
Student’s name and contact information
Type of experience/rotation - check to see that this matches what you offered the school
Level of clinical experience
Performance expectations which may be included in a course syllabus
Contact information for school, including all DCEs, as well as the person assigned per student to supervise the experience. This is the person to contact if there are any questions or concerns about the student's performance.
Student data sheet containing current and accurate contact information, student profile to let us know previous and future planned clinical experiences, student written goals, student’s learning style, etc…
Policies and Procedures- e.g. absentee policy for school, criteria for dismissal, training students have done such as HIPAA, OSHA, etc.
Curriculum – this is a list of coursework completed by student as well as future courses to be taken.
Rights and responsibilities of CI
Instructions for PT CPI Web training and website access.
School Handbook – this may not typically be included, and you may not need to review it, but having a link for it to be available on request may be helpful.
Blank Weekly Planning forms
Liability certificate/Certificate of Insurance
Health Clearance
Criminal Background check – if required by the site
Drug screening results – if required by the site