Orienting Students to Your Clinical Site
Orientation Materials:
Many sites send orientation materials to students prior to starting their experience, which students often find helpful. You may choose to develop a formal Clinical Eduation Manual for students affiliating at your site to serve as a resource/guideline for student orientation.
The NYNJ Consortium has composed a sample table of contents which you can download here, materials may include:
Introduction and contact information
Policies and procedures
Documentation and Facility Forms
Clinical Protocols and Treatment Guidelines
Assessment of Learning Style
Learning Opportunitites Available to the Student
InService and Project Requirements or Suggestions
Clinical Performance Instrument (CPI)
On Day 1:
The CCCE should greet students and describe their role as CCCE as it relates to the student’s experience.
Make students comfortable with their surroundings and feel like they are part of the team. It may be helpful to introduce your new student to other students who are already affiliating at your site as they may be helpful in the orientation process.
During their orientation, the following should be discussed:
Overview of the facility: point out resources available to student including work spaces, library, access to technology, cafeteria, etc. Tailor this to the student needs.
Tour of the facility: the department, work spaces, places to store personal belongings, fire exits, bathrooms, discuss food /lunch options, parking, etc. A map may be appropriate for larger sites.
Clinical site expectations: This may include:
Student’s schedule
Written requirements for projects/case studies
Learning objectives
Regular meetings they will need to attend.
Forms which may need to be completed by the students: some sites have students evaluate their program, facility, CI, etc. Now is a good time to let students know what is expected.
Safety procedures: Review exit routes for emergency, emergency codes, student’s role in emergency, relevant phone numbers, National patient safety goals, joint commission, etc. Also discuss incident reports- what constitutes an incident and how to document.
Policies and procedures: dress code, attendance, lateness, organization specific policies and procedures. Some sites require that a student reads and ‘signs-off’ on a policies and procedures manual.